Sustainable development and the advanced materials : the Brazilian case / edición, Roberto C. Villas Bôas. - [Río de Janeiro, Brasil] : Centro de Tecnología Mineral MCT/CNPq : International Development Research Centre, 1995. - 290 p. : tablas, gráfs. ; 23 cm.

Sustainable development : concepts / María Laura Barreto. p. 3-9. Sustainable development : alternative scenarios / Bruce B. Johnson ; Ivan C. Marques ; Sarita Albagli. p. 9-21. Advanced materials and science, technology and industrial strategies for Barazil into 21'st century / Lakis C. Kaounides. p. 24-64. Materials production and the enviroment / Roberto C. Villas Bôas. p. 65-77. Materials technology and industrial development in Brazil / Roberto C. Villas Bôas.
p. 65-77. Materials production and the enviroment / Roberto C. Villas Bôas. p. 79-97. The scenarios and the advanced materials / Sarita Albagli ; Carlos C. Peiter. p. 99-107. The energy sector : the scenarios and the advanced materials in Brazil / Bruce B. Johnson ; Carlos C. Peiter ; Heloísa V. Medina ; Ivan C. Marques ; Maria Laura Barreto ; Sarita Albagli ; Teresinha R. Andrade. p. 109-137. The transports sector : the scenarios and the advanced materials in Brazil / Carlos Cesar Peiter ; Sarita Albagli ; Teresinha Rodrigues. p. 139-161. The microelectronics sector : the scenarios and the advanced materials in Brazil / Heloísa B. Medina ; Ivan Marques ; Maria Laura Barreto; p. 163-196. The telecommunications sector : the scenarios and the advanced materials in Brazil / Heloísa B. Medina ; Ivan Marques ; Maria Laura Barreto; p. 197-215. Scenarios of sustainable development and advanced materials : national capabilities and opportunities for Brazil / Carlos Cesar Peiter ; Maria Laura Barreto; p. 217-252. Sustainable development and advanced materials in Brazil : challenges for Brazil / Carlos Cesar Peiter ; Lakis C. Kaounides. p. 253-280.


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